February 16, 2015

Task Training and Indie's Birthday!!!

I am starting to work with Lincoln on some task training.  His tasks will include picking up and retrieving items, such as a bag with emergency medications, deep pressure therapy, counterbalance, body blocking, etc.  Right now I'm working with him on retrieving some items, such as medicine bottles, a shoe, my car keys, etc.  The videos below are showing some of the progress we have made with the car keys.  I made a paracord tab that he can grab instead of the keys themselves.  You can see how to "grab it" command from my previous post has been connected to "bring" and "give." I use the give command when he brings his toys also.  This helps give consistency to the word.

I'm also working on more intense "leave it" commands.  Being an aussie, Linc is more reactive to movement and I am working on that by tossing or rolling treats at him.

That's it for now.  I've been sick on and off this month, so there isn't much going on here.  My mom and I did go to Madison Comic Con in order to expose Lincoln to a convention atmosphere and to be around people in costumes.  He met lots of people in costumes and had some fun taking pictures with the DeLorean from Back to the Future, William Shatner and a few others.
This video was towards the end of the day and I was too tired to tell her not to pet him.  He was pretty ready to go also.  But, Linc will never turn down a chance to love someone.
Heeling through the crowd at Madison Comic Con.

On another note, Indie turned 13 on the 11th!! We had ordered him a peanut butter and carob cake, while my mom ordered decorations.

Of course it would have been a party without some party hats! The birthday boy himself modeling the custom made hats.
 Indie's awesome cake from The Canine Crunchery!

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