March 11, 2015


My mom and I headed up to Madison, Wisconsin for my ganglia block at the Madison surgery center.  My appointment was at 11 am.  We left Rockford around 8:30am.  Checked in and waited to be called.
 I went in, had my vitals taken, changed and had my iv placed.  I actually liked this one because they gave me a shot of lidocaine before inserting the iv needle.  This way I didn't pass out.  Then after that I was walked to the fluoroscopy suite.  The procedure literally took 7 minutes,  I was amazed.  Granted, the sedative didn't do anything as it was too small of an amount to affect me.  
I recovered for about 20 minutes and then was pushed in a wheelchair to the car and we left.  I slept on the way home and basically slept the rest of the day to recover. 

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