May 8, 2015


Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that effects various aspects of social, verbal, behavioral and mental behavior.  It is not a mental illness and cannot be "cured" with various drugs.  Autism effects how the brain works.  It is neurological.  You can study the condition out of a book or by being around autistics, but that does not mean you will fully understand the condition.  Neurotypicals (non autistics) should NEVER claim they speak for autistics.  We can speak for ourselves and are quire capable of doing so.  No neurotypical will ever understand what it is like to live in our brains, just like how we will never understand what it is like to live in a neurotypical brain.  We are unique and we accept that.  No specialist can tell you exactly how we are, because they have no idea.  They don't understand how our brains actually work.  No one but autistics can speak for autistics!!!  We think in images, our thoughts are very fast and can at times become jumbled.  Yes, we obsess over certain subjects, but that is because those subjects bring us comfort and a sense of familiarity.  If you couldn't tell, my main special interest is anaimals, specifically canines.

We stim at times, it's perfectly normal and helps calm us down, concentrate or even fall asleep.  I stimmed by rocking back and forth in bed every night until I went to college.  Trying to rock back and forth on a college loft didn't work and felt very strange, so I found other things to do to obtain the same comfort.  We are not screwed up, we are normal to other autistics and there is a silent sense of acceptance and camaraderie.

We don't need to vocalize everything, it can be annoying and waste energy.  Socializing with others can be very taxing on us and cause us to need alone time to recharge and be able to handle more social situations.  We don't tend to be fond of personal interactions.  This is why the computer and the Internet is so wonderful.  We can easily socialize without the massive energy drain and anxiety issues of being face to face.  I'm personally not fond of speaking on the phone or texting, never have been.  I would rather talk to someone in a messenger online than by using my iphone.

DON'T RANDOMLY TOUCH PEOPLE!  It's creepy!! This I will vocalize.  I am very sensitive to human touch.  I only allow it on MY TERMS.  Even with my family, it is based on me, not them wanting to be tactile and touchy, feely.  You shouldn't just randomly touch strangers!

Yeah, I may come off as strange, aloof and obsessed with dogs, canine nutrition, etc, but hey, that's just me.  Yeah, I will probably be sweating profusely if we meet and talk some, I have social anxiety issues and always have.  I highly prefer to dodge in person social interactions.  I'm not being rude, I just have issues handling them.  I have to recharge for about 2-3 hours for every hour I am "social" or around people or even in public.

Alright, thank you, my rant is over.  Good night random people reading this.

Oh and the sphenocath failed, my migraines are becoming more common and more severe.

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