February 18, 2015

"Tug" Command and Retrieval

This command started with "grab it," then I added in the word "tug."  I would give the command "grab it tug."  So this way, he knew to grab it and I showed him to open the cabinet.  I would click and treat if he opened it slightly, then he started opening it more and I would click and treat. Eventually I dropped the "grab it" and it just became the command "tug." Still needs work, but he is getting the concept. Lincoln loves to play tug o war, which is an advantage.

Opening a cabinet door.

Opening a heavy drawer.

Retrieving my moms shoe. This command also started as "grab it." We worked on the grab it command and then I started having him retrieve various items.  He has a very strong retrieval instinct and I just honed that.  This is where he are right now.  I use the "give" command also when he brings me his toys.  He must give them to me before I will throw them or play tug o war with him.  He also loves to tug.  

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