January 1, 2017

Let's Talk about Fat

Fat is a vital macronutrient in a carnivore's diet. I am going to explain why and what type of fat a carnivore requires.

To begin, there are 3 types of fat:

    -   Saturated 
    -   Monounsaturated
    -   Polyunsaturated

In whole prey animals, these fats come from bone marrow, muscle meat and organ fat. Fat is necessary in carnivores because it produces energy. The correct types of fats also assist the animal in digesting various fat soluble vitamins. Fat also protects the nerves and cell membranes throughout the body. When given the proper amounts of fat, it has been found that the carnivore develop better brains, have better behavior, learn faster, develop more muscle and have better heart and eye health.

Fats need to be fresh for the best benefit. Rancid fats lower the quality and nutritional value of the food. Rancid fats can also cause liver & heart problems, macular degeneration, as well as cell damage, arthritis and in rare cases, death.

It is suggested that you rotate ruminant and poultry meats to balance the saturated and polyunsaturated fats. Most domesticated ruminants have too much saturated fat and not enough polyunsaturated fats. Poultry on the other hand has a lot of polyunsaturated fats and not enough saturated fats. 

The fat requirements in dogs vary depending on age and activity level. For a puppy, the percentage required is around 17% and should not be lower than 8%. For a pet weight adult dog the requirement is 9-15% and should not go below 5%. For an active performing dog, the suggested requirement is 20% and no lower than 8%. 

Fish oils and fresh fish are recommended to be added to your carnivore's diet because they have docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is an Omega-3 fat. DHA is essential for the brain and eyes and eicosapetaenoic acid (EPA), which is another essential Omega-3 fat. EPA has been found to lower depression and is an anti-inflammatory in mammals. 

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