April 10, 2014

Kombucha & 47.2lbs gone!

I thought I would start off with a wonderful quote from Dr. Seuss.
As I have mentioned before, I have started to brew my own kombucha.  Honestly, the process is quite addicting (in a good way). I had 3 gallon sized jars that I have been using to brew with.  But, I wanted something larger for my continuous brew.  I decided to buy a glass 2.5 gallon water dispenser.  It arrived today! I immediately put my two gallons of my continuous black tea brews in and made more to top it off.  I am extremely excited about having a much larger amount brewing all the time! I will still be using the 1gallon dispensers to brew more adventurous teas.  My basic two are black and rooibos vanilla.  Below on the left is my new 2.5g next to my rooibos 1g. So exciting!! I try to drink my homemade kombucha (16oz) a few times a week.  It has really made a difference when it comes to my digestion and ibs.  I love it!
In other news, I had to go a buy some new shirts! All of my old shirts are either too big or too big with holes in them.  Below is a recent photo of me wearing a new shirt from Old Navy.  I'm extremely excited that I am now able to shop in a "normal" store and no longer need plus size stores.
Here are some meals I've been eating.  Below is roasted cauliflower and Trader Joe's GF Battered Halibut (1.5 servings). The halibut is wonderful, but is a treat food and should only be eaten every so often. Moderation!
I also tried something new this week.  I made cucumber pasta! I used some of my home canned GF marinara sauce that I canned in August.  Not bad! Surprisingly very filling! I will be making this again.
In other news, my baby boy Mac has turned 8!!! I can't believe my puppy is 8 years old! Here he is waiting for the release command to enjoy a treat at the local dog bakery The Canine Crunchery.
We took home a small cake for him to enjoy the next day, which was his birthday, 04/05/14. Yes, Mac was born on 04/05/06.  How funny is that? This little carob cake was definitely enjoyed!
My nutritionist Sally has also posted a new healthy recipe on her blog Twellman Nutrition. I made it yesterday, but with grilled chicken tenders and it was a huge hit with my parents! I definitely suggest trying it!

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